
Health Economics for the TubeClear System

Estimate your facility's financial case for the TubeClear system.
Hospitals (Acute Care)Outside the Hospital (Extended Care)

Just One Enteral Nutrition Interruption Has Major Impact

Increased hospital length of stay can cost $1,699 per day, and at least 1 EN interruption can increase a hospital stay by 8 days
Increased hospital length of stay can cost $5,136 per day in the ICU

Technical issues (e.g., clogs) interrupt the delivery of a patient’s enteral nutrition.  One interruption to a patient’s enteral nutrition (EN) can increase their median length of stay (LOS) by 1.5 days in the ICU, and 8 days in the hospital.

Increased hospital length of stay can cost $5,136 per day in the ICU and $1,699 per day in the hospital, for a total of more than $13,500.

Current Solutions Are Not As Effective

The TubeClear system (Actuated Device) cleared 93% of clogs, compared to 33% cleared by a commercial enzyme treatment and 20% cleared by water alone.

Other De-Clogging Methods Take More Time

In unpublished data by Garrison, C.M., the TubeClear system (Actuated Device) took a total average of 8.8 minutes  to restore feeding tube patency across three (3) clog types (I=Easy, II=Medium, III=Hard).  The enzyme treatment and water flushing took a total average of 121.9 and 110.3 minutes, respectively.

Replacing EADs is Risky, Costly, and Painful

When a patient’s clogged EAD cannot be cleared, it requires replacement.  Depending on the type of EAD and patient’s requirements, this can lead to an increase in cost, risk, and discomfort.

Misplacement of EADs into the bronchial tree occurs in 2.4% to 3.2% of patients. 

Only 80-85% of EAD insertions are successful on the first try, risking complications and multiple radiographs for re-insertion. 

Patients experience pain and discomfort when replacing their feeding tube.

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