
Important Safety Information

For a complete list of cautions and contraindications please review the

TubeClear Operator’s Manual.

TubeClear TC-1018 Directions for Use.

TubeClear TC-0812 Directions for Use. 

TubeClear TC-0608 Directions for Use. 

Clearing Stem Models TC Contraindications

Do NOT use TubeClear Clearing Stem if:

+ You do NOT know for certain the size (French and length) and manufacturer of the Feeding and Decompression Tube.

+ The TubeClear Clearing Stem Model is NOT indicated for the manufacturer and size (French and length) of the GJ Feeding and Decompression Tube.

+ The TC Feeding and Decompression Tube has been removed from the Patient.

+ The TC Feeding and Decompression Tube requires placement or repositioning.

+ The TC Feeding and Decompression Tube has been in use for longer than the Tube Manufacturer’s recommendation.

+ The Patient is not permitted to receive liquids.

Clearing Stem Models TC Cautions 

Make certain that the correct Clearing Stem Model has been selected for size (French and length) and manufacturer of the Tube.

+ Improper placement of the Depth Limiter may result in over insertion. Over insertion of the TubeClear Clearing Stem may cause harm to the Patient’s gastrointestinal (GI) system.

+ Use of a Clearing Stem in a Tube made by a non-indicated manufacturer may result in possible Tube dislocation when the Clearing Stem is removed.

+ Use of a Clearing Stem in a smaller French size Tube than indicated may result in the Clearing Stem becoming lodged in the Tube, and possible Tube dislocation when the Clearing Stem is removed.

+ Use of a Clearing Stem in a smaller French size Tube than indicated may result in in the Clearing Stem becoming lodged in the Tube, and possible Tube dislocation when the Clearing Stem is removed. 

 TubeClear Clearing Stem may cause a mild tickling sensation during use.

 TubeClear Clearing Stem Nasoenteral (NE) Models may cause some discomfort to the nasal passage during use.

The TubeClear System contains magnets. Magnets are inside the Control Box and at the end of the Clearing Stem that attaches to the Control Box. Do NOT place the Control Box and the Magnet at the end of the Clearing Stem within 15 cm (6 in) of pacemakers, defibrillators, and other electronic devices (including, but not limited to, credit cards, video tapes, televisions, computer monitors, and other CRT displays) because the Magnets may interfere with the operation of those devices.

Federal law (U.S.) restricts the TubeClear System to sale by or on the order of a physician.

The TubeClear System is intended for use by Certified or Licensed Healthcare Practitioners. Reading the Operator’s Manual is required before using the TubeClear System. For information about additional training, contact Actuated Medical’s Customer Service Department at +1 (814) 355-0003 ext. 117 or visit the website TubeClear.com.